Mother’s Day and Head to the Hill with the American Brain Tumor Association

– It’s Mothers Day and I lost my mom to a brain tumor.

– I also have a brain tumor, and I’m a mom

– I’m friends with a mom who has a child with a brain tumor

– I’m friends of a mom with a husband with a brain tumor

– Monday and Tuesday, when I participated with Head to the Hill. I did so with people with countless connections to brain tumors, some of them are moms who LOST THEIR CHILDREN to a brain tumor. 

-Everyone on my Head to the Hill house team is a mom.

-Every single life effected by brain tumors is important, but sometimes focusing on one similarity helps people see what, otherwise might seem random, rare, uncommon…. 

-This Mother’s Day, please show love to your mom, kids, family, friends, and anyone in your life who’s able to share it with you.  

-Please also recognize that many of us can’t celebrate with a loved one due to Brain Tumors. 

Tuesday was the Head to the Hill with the American Brain Tumor Association, where important additions and changes were being asked for. Patients, family, friends, and loved ones came together on Zoom to share our stories and requests with leaders in nearly every state! Though it was challenging, it was also fulfilling to be with others, hear their stories, give and receive support, make friends, and, hopefully, make tremendous progress on helping make research, treatment, and benefits better going forward.

To read more about changes the American Brain Tumor Society is asking for, click this link:


Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!