I used to be a Language Arts teacher, and after my craniotomy, my language regressed almost entirely, so this was a huge change in my life. I went from being capable and successful at teaching the English language, as well as having studied Italian, Spanish, and German, to being unable to communicate in a grocery…
Category: Brain Cancer Freeish
I’m Back, Why I Left, and Some Bits of Self-Actualization
About two years ago, I was blogging fairly regularly, then hit a hard stop. Though I kept the site, I did very little with Rubble Blossom outside of that. Part of me isn’t even sure why I stopped. Writing would come to mind occasionally, but I paid no attention to it, similar to, “in one…
Mother’s Day and Head to the Hill with the American Brain Tumor Association
– It’s Mothers Day and I lost my mom to a brain tumor. – I also have a brain tumor, and I’m a mom – I’m friends with a mom who has a child with a brain tumor – I’m friends of a mom with a husband with a brain tumor – Monday and Tuesday,…
Happy Easter! But Part of This is About Me…
What’s weird about this Good Friday and Easter is that I have some interesting personal events on these dates too (and, no, I’m not more important than Jesus-sheesh!). Anyway, Friday, the 15th marks my 7.5 year anniversary of being diagnosed with a brain tumor, and today, the 17th, marks the 7.5 year anniversary of my…
Another Facial Injury Problem, Solved!
Broken nose and major gashes And stitches On my nose And forehead, I hadn’t worn glasses for ten days, Things became serious… A rigid headband came to mind, And along with A stretched out hair band They made the day! Looking forward… Next time I’ll use two holders, Maybe even string To make a V.…
Third Eye 911
Last Tuesday I suddenly lost consciousness and fell, full-force, on my face. It was May 18, and I was visiting my oldest in another part of the country. We had taken a short break and I had a snack in my hotel room. A feeling hit me that I’ve occasionally had before, but this time…
MRI Update
Six and a half years after surgery, things were starting to be normal. I was getting used to my different abilities and limits. Will it be different now? What’s going to happen?
Six Years Ago Today*
Six years ago today I learned I had a brain tumor. This is how it happened, formatted in a portion of a memoir.